What are the characteristics of irradiated cross-linked wires
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High load capacity

Irradiated cross-linked cable, after irradiation by high-energy electron beam, the molecular structure of the material changes from linear to three-dimensional network molecular structure, and the temperature resistance level increases from non-cross-linked 70℃ to 90℃, 105℃, 125℃, 135℃, and even 150℃, which increases the load capacity by 15-50% compared with the same specification of the cable.


High insulation resistance

Since irradiated cross-linked cable avoids using hydroxide as flame retardant, it prevents the phenomenon of pre-cross-linking and the drop of insulation resistance due to the absorption of moisture in the air by the insulation layer when cross-linking, thus ensuring the insulation resistance value.


Long service life and high overload capacity

Since the irradiated cross-linked polyolefin material has a high grade of high temperature resistance and high aging temperature, it extends the service life of the cable in the use process of cyclic heat generation.


Environmentally friendly and safe

Because the materials used in the cable are halogen-free environmental protection materials, even if there is an open fire, the release of carbon dioxide and water vapor, so the burning characteristics of the cable meets the requirements of environmental protection.

Product quality temperature

The quality of traditional warm water cross-linked cable is affected by water temperature, agent process, cross-linking additives and other factors, so the quality is not stable, while the quality of irradiated cross-linked cable depends on the irradiation dose of the electron beam, the irradiation dose is controlled by computer, less human factors, so the quality is more stable.