Urumqi fire - 10 dead, 9 injured, life-threatening demons turned out to be ......

November 24, Xinjiang Urumqi City Tianshan auspicious garden district A fire broke out in a high-rise residential building.

The injured were all rushed to hospital for treatment due to inhalation of toxic fumes.

Ten people died after rescue; nine people had moderate inhalation lung injury.

The fire was located on the 15th floor and spread to the 17th floor, with smoke spreading to the 21st floor.


Many people thought that

When a fire occurs, the

The biggest damage to people is burn injuries.

In fact, 85.3 percent of fires are caused by building damage.

85.3% of fires are caused by toxic gases emitted from burning building materials and

Smoke blocked the line of sight to escape, suffocating.

Therefore smoke is the main culprit in fires that cause people to die.

Why is smoke in a fire a life-threatening hazard?




The main cause of death from dense smoke is carbon monoxide poisoning.

In air with a carbon monoxide concentration of 1.3%, the

a person can lose consciousness after taking two or three breaths and

Breathing for 13 minutes will lead to death.

And the commonly used building materials produced by the combustion of smoke, the

carbon monoxide content of up to 2.5%.

In addition, because of the rapid spread of smoke

seriously affect people's vision.

so that people can not see the direction of escape and get into trouble.

Thus, the best time to escape is missed.


SeaOtter safety wire insulation layer flame retardant using low smoke non-halogen flame retardant polyolefin

Low smoke and halogen-free environmental protection and non-toxic

When there is an open flame burning

No smoke will be produced and

No toxic gas will be released.

Only a small amount of carbon dioxide and water vapor will be released.

Not to mention the secondary harm to the air and the environment.

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